Philip Russell Goodwin

1881 – 1935

Philip Russell Goodwin


Norwich, Connecticut


Animal, field-stream illustration

Philip R. Goodwin (1881-1935)
Excerpt from The American West Reimagined (2021)
By Dr. Larry Len Peterson

The release of one of the greatest and most endearing publications in American history, Call of the Wild, in July 1903 would have a profound effect on the career of Charles M. Russell, even though he had nothing to do with it. Who illustrated the book?  Not Frederic Remington and not Carl Rungius.  No, it was illustrated by a twenty-two year old wunderkind named Philip R. Goodwin who had just opened his New York City studio. Jack London’s novel Call of the Wild was an overnight sensation. The book earned him international acclaim, and royalties from his novels made him the highest paid author…