Jason Rich

b. 1970

Jason Rich


Wildlife, landscape, figure, genre

Raised on horse farm in Preston, Idaho, he had an early fascination for horses. He studied art at Utah State University, earned a post-graduate degree, and spent a year teaching high school art in Preston. He credits Glen Edwards at Utah State for helping him significantly. A turning point in his subject matter was an award winning painting of a Clydesdale team he did for a competition. His studio is in Logan, Utah, where he lives with his wife and daughters. He expressed concern that he does not want to be known only as a cowboy artist but has an affinity for wildlife and figurative work. He is noted for his ability to light objects without losing contrasts.

Sold At Lone Star Art Auction

Jason Rich
(b. 1970)

On Beaver Creek

, 2008
oil on board
18 x 24 inches
Sold for: $5,000